entertainment full movie

entertainment full movie

 Entertainment" is a Bollywood comedy film released in 2014, directed by the duo Sajid-Farhad. The movie stars Akshay Kumar, Tamannaah Bhatia, and a Golden Retriever named Junior, who plays the titular character "Entertainment." Here's a brief summary of the plot:

Plot Summary:

Akhil Lokhande (Akshay Kumar) is a struggling actor who finds out that his father, Pannalal Johri (Dalip Tahil), is a wealthy diamond merchant living in Bangkok. However, Akhil's excitement is short-lived as he learns that his father has passed away. Hoping to inherit his father's wealth, Akhil travels to Bangkok.

Upon arriving, Akhil discovers that his father has left his entire fortune to his pet dog, Entertainment. This leads to a hilarious battle for inheritance between Akhil and the dog. Akhil initially tries to get rid of Entertainment, but eventually grows fond of him.

Key Points:

  1. Inheritance Battle: The main conflict revolves around Akhil trying to reclaim his father's wealth from Entertainment. His attempts lead to a series of comedic events.

  2. Love Interest: Akhil is in love with Saakshi (Tamannaah Bhatia), whose father, Saakshi's father (Mithun Chakraborty), is skeptical of Akhil's intentions and financial stability.

  3. Villainous Relatives: Karan (Prakash Raj) and Arjun (Sonu Sood), Akhil's father's relatives, also want to get their hands on the fortune. They pose a threat to both Akhil and Entertainment, leading to more comedic and action-packed sequences.

  4. Bonding: Over time, Akhil and Entertainment develop a bond. Akhil's genuine affection for the dog changes his initial selfish intentions.

  5. Resolution: The film culminates in a series of comedic and action-filled sequences where the villains are thwarted, and Akhil, along with Entertainment, manages to protect the inheritance. Akhil's genuine love for Entertainment and his newfound sense of responsibility ultimately win over Saakshi's father, leading to a happy ending.

"Entertainment" blends comedy, drama, and action, with the unique twist of a dog playing a central role in the story. The film highlights themes of love, loyalty, and the importance of family, wrapped in a humorous narrative.

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